Designing and having your website built can sometimes be overwhelming. Especially if you are not tech-savvy and hear a lot of web development and design lingo flying around.

You may be asking yourself about specific editions to your website, and how important they really are. If “link title attribute” is one of those, then you are in the right place. We are going to talk a little bit about link title attributes; what they are, and how you use them.

What exactly IS a link title attribute?

The short answer is that when a web user is about to click on a link, they can hover over it with their mouse, and it pops up a short explanation about what the link is. Basically, a preview of the content that is on the page they are about to click through to.

The long answer is a little more involved. Not everyone feels comfortable clicking on a link to go to a webpage, or they don’t want to waste their time going to a page and only to find that the information doesn’t pertain to what they need. What’s more, not only do link title attributes help users to navigate your web site, but they also help you.

How do link title attributes help websites?

The goal of any site is to keep users navigating it as long as possible. If users are confused or feel that the site is challenging to search and find information, their chances of leaving increase.

If they can hover over a link before clicking to the page and see a quick preview of the page content, it helps for two reasons. One, users can learn more about where they are going, which reduces disorientation, and two, it helps them to save time and not click on links that don’t have the information that they are looking for.

A few things to avoid when adding link title attributes to your website.

While link title attributes may not be helping your SEO, they are still doing a lot for your site. Giving your users accessibility is key to any website. By creating the best user experience possible, you are optimizing your site in a way that even keywords can’t. You are making it easy for your users to read, search, and navigate, which is excellent.

When you are having your website built, you want to look for a company, such as Key Medium/Running SEO, that understands the importance of accessibility and strives to include it in every aspect of their web design.

There are two SEO techniques that you will probably have heard of: one is ‘on-page SEO’ and the other is ‘off-page SEO.’ Together they are a way of optimizing your website for search and improving your organic search engine ranking. Of course, SEO improvements in general are a way to boost your organic search ranking, but the ways of doing it are divided into these two categories. 

In a nutshell, on-page SEO looks at what your actual website (or an individual page) is about whilst off-page SEO ranks how authoritative and popular your website (or each individual page is)--sometimes known as ‘domain authority.’

Let’s get into further detail of off-page SEO vs on-page SEO.

  1. Off-page SEO
  2. On-page SEO
  3. Which is more important?

1.  Off-page SEO

Off-page SEO is quite self-explanatory as it’s work done outside of your website. Off-page SEO is all about promoting and branding, creating the right brand for your website so that it can travel further than what’s on-site.

Your SEO agency might employ any of the following techniques to improve off-page SEO. However, off-page SEO is the most difficult element to get right.

You can ask your SEO agency what strategies they’re employing to improve your website’s domain authority.

2.  On-page SEO

On-page, again, is all about what you can do to improve organic search by implementing best practices on your website. On-page SEO is the easiest to navigate because there are technical fixes and structures that are included in your website’s design so that search engines can correctly crawl and index the pages on your website. Some elements of on-page SEO are created on the back-end and some rely on your site’s content.

Your SEO agency will employ the following techniques to improve on-page SEO.

Your SEO agency will most-likely employ all of the above strategies to improve your on-page SEO. You can ask them specifically what strategies they’re employing to improve your on-page organic search chances.

3.  Which is more important?

You wouldn’t choose between having an engine or wheels for your car so you can’t really choose between off-page vs on-page SEO. Both are important; both solutions are needed to create the best organic search results.

However, the first step for your SEO agency will most likely be to correct the on-page SEO elements and then discuss with you the strategy to focus on your off-page SEO. There’s no point working on outreach (off-page) if you haven’t corrected all of your on-page elements. Ask your SEO agency for an SEO audit to help you determine where you should begin.

Need help with your off-page and on-page SEO?

If you’d like a free consultation about your on-page and off-page SEO strategy, get in touch with Key Medium today.

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A UK-based professional editor, freelance writer, and former marketing agency content writer where she wrote articles for disparate clients using SEO best practice. She enjoys reading, writing, walking in the countryside, checking images for alt text, spending time with other people’s cats, and going for afternoon tea.

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