Many people remember the days of fliers, newspaper advertisements, commercials, and pamphlets.  While those mediums still exist and are utilized in most business’ marketing strategies, those traditional tools don’t even hold a flame to the massive influence of digital marketing.

Digital marketing is essential because not only is nearly everyone online but also, the various digital marketing tools actually help businesses reach markets that would have never been possible before. If you have a business, you need to be using digital marketing. When you create a digital marketing strategy, it is important that you include content marketing.

What is content marketing?

Content marketing is a digital marketing approach that is focused on crafting and sharing relevant, targeted, and regular content. The purpose of content marketing is to gain visibility in order to reach your target market, increasing your leads and ultimately your conversions.

This important form of marketing can seem simplistic, but is in fact highly focused and requires a great deal of skill. Being able to consistently provide SEO-optimized content that is relevant and top-quality is not something that just anyone is capable of.

This essential form of digital marketing encompasses platforms such as your business website, your emails, and your social media accounts. When you design your digital marketing strategy, you need to ensure that you include content marketing in order to effectively impact your marketing goals.

Why should I use content marketing?

Content marketing has its own unique benefits that basically touch each area of importance when it comes to marketing. The great benefits that come from this one marketing tool make it a method that you won’t want to forget about.

Content marketing is one of the main ways that you will build the identity of your brand. This is important because your brand identity is what draws people to you, helps them connect with you, leads them to eventually become your customer, and keeps them around as a supporter and returning customer.

Today’s consumers are looking for businesses they can connect with and feel drawn to, those that have shared values and a message that the consumer can get behind. Crafting a unique and relevant brand identity helps to put your business in that position. You are giving consumers something to connect with and making your business identifiable in a number of ways.

Content marketing is one way to build your brand identity. The content that you put out into the world should reflect your business, your personality, your message, and your values. It should offer expertise and information from your brand to your target market, consistently building your identity and putting your business in the place of expert.

Your content is the main tool that will help your business rank highly on Google and other search engines. When you are able to optimize your website’s content, you are making it much more likely that you will receive a high ranking.

When you are able to provide content that utilizes keywords, is relevant, and is consistent, you are basically setting yourself up to strike SEO gold. The content that you provide is one of the best ways to achieve a high ranking if you can meet a few standards.

Determine the best keywords in your industry and make sure to include them in your content. Keep your posts relevant to your target audience so that when people click on your links and visit your website, the content will keep them there and Google will rank you higher. You also want to ensure that your content is consistent, bringing in a regular flow of traffic, because if traffic dies down, so does your ranking.

Your content marketing strategy needs to include optimization tools in order to receive the highest possible SEO benefit.

You need leads. Without leads, there are no conversions. Without conversions, there is no success. Without success, frankly, you don’t really have a business.

Content marketing is one of the best ways to generate leads. When you create great content, you are increasing your visibility. Posting a link to one of your articles on social media provides an opportunity for new people to discover you and visit your website.

Once they click on your link, if your content is relevant, useful, or engaging, they will stay and read. If they value what you wrote, there’s a good chance they will either read more, follow you on social media, or sign up for your email list. Basically, there’s a good chance they’ll become a lead.

Getting leads is essential and the content that you put out provides a great opportunity for finding them. Without consistent content, you won’t be visible, and if you’re not visible, your target market will not discover your business.

You will also find leads with your content because relevant and useful content will be shared by others. Your social media followers will share your posts on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. Their shares will increase your visibility and help you to gain more leads.

Content Marketing in 2023

While 2023 will see a number of new marketing strategies, content marketing is just as important as ever because it has the ability to reach your target market like nothing else. You will want to make sure and craft a content marketing strategy as you are creating your strategy for 2023.

Content is basically a win-win, creating a cycle of visibility, traffic, lead, share, visibility, traffic, lead, and so on. As long as your content is consistent and relevant for your target market, while also utilizing SEO tools, your content marketing strategy will bring you the success you are looking for.

Sources: growthmarketingconf, SEMRush, toolbox

Pillar content, also known as cornerstone content, is an important part of any website's content strategy. It is a long-form, in-depth piece of content that covers a broad topic in great detail and serves as the foundation for a website's content strategy. The purpose of pillar content is to establish the website as a reliable and authoritative source of information on that topic, and to provide a structure for organizing and linking to other related content on the website.

How long is pillar content supposed to be?

Pillar content is typically between 1,500 and 2,500 words in length and is designed to provide a comprehensive overview of a particular topic. It is often used to attract and retain visitors to a website, as well as to improve the website's ranking in search engine results pages (SERPs).

Benefits of using pillar content

One of the key benefits of pillar content is that it provides a foundation for a website's content strategy. By creating a long-form, in-depth piece of content on a particular topic, a website can establish itself as a go-to source of information on that topic. This can be especially useful for websites that cover a specific niche or industry, as it allows them to differentiate themselves from other websites and establish themselves as experts in their field.

Pillar content can also help to improve a website's visibility in search engine results. By creating high-quality, comprehensive and helpful content on a particular topic, a website can attract a larger number of visitors who are searching for information on that topic. This can lead to increased traffic and potentially higher search engine rankings, as search engines tend to favor websites that offer valuable, relevant content to their users.

How to create pillar content

Creating effective pillar content is not always easy. Here are some tips for creating helpful pillar content for your website:

  1. Choose a relevant and interesting topic: The first step in creating pillar content is to choose a topic that is relevant and interesting to your target audience. It's important to choose a topic that is closely related to your website's focus and that will be of value to your readers.
  2. Research the topic thoroughly: Once you have chosen a topic, it's important to do thorough research to ensure that your content is accurate and well-informed. Gather as much information as you can from a variety of sources, including industry experts, academic journals, and online resources.
  3. Organize the content into a clear structure: One of the keys to creating effective pillar content is to organize the content into a clear and logical structure. Use headings and subheadings to break up the content into manageable sections, and use examples and images to illustrate your points and make the content more engaging.
  4. Edit and proofread carefully: It's important to take the time to edit and proofread your pillar content carefully to ensure that it is accurate, well-written, and easy to understand. Pay particular attention to grammar, spelling, and punctuation, and consider having someone else review the content for feedback and suggestions.
  5. Use relevant keywords: Another important aspect of creating helpful pillar content is to use relevant keywords throughout the content. This will help search engines understand what the content is about and improve its ranking in search results. However, it's important to use keywords naturally and in a way that makes sense for the content.

By following these tips, you can create high-quality, comprehensive pillar content that will be useful and valuable to your audience, and that will help to improve your website's visibility and credibility.

Get Expert SEO Support for your Content Marketing

Need help with creating your content strategy and associated pillar content? Well, you are in luck! Key Medium are SEO and website design experts and can help you come up with content marketing that will work for your business. Get in touch today or explore SEO services here.

With the increasing shift toward AR, AI and responsive design technologies in web development, designers and creators have found themselves at a proverbial crossroad. Whether you are a web developer yourself or specialize in content creation and subsequent SEO, the way you create your work correlates with industry trends.

According to Lara Lee, 42% of users leave a website outright if the load times are longer than 10 seconds, while 37% cite poor design and navigation as the main reason for leaving. There is more to what these users say than meets the eye since their browsing habits and expectations are directly driven by the predominant web design trends at the time of research. Another study done by John Kramer indicates similar results in terms of user engagement. The data states that 88% of users are very unlikely to return to a website after a bad initial experience, with 94% of bad feedback directly related to web design elements.

The trends that are bound to take shape in 2020 are poised to transform the way we think about web development, from wireframing down to SEO optimization. With that said, let’s dive into possible trends and predictions of what comes next in terms of web development standards and the ways in which we can use these technologies to our advantage.

While it is important to impress first-time web visitors will high-quality visuals and professionally-curated content, it’s also essential for that content to be appealing and easy on the eyes. In terms of visuals, web development trends are slowly but surely shifting toward minimalism and clean design solutions.

These trends have been pioneered by tech giants such as Microsoft in their OS development choices when it comes to flat design elements, easy-to-navigate UIs, as well as touch-screen ready element placement. Dominant visual elements such as flashy banner ads and complex motion graphics can be streamlined to take less time and attention from the viewer, putting content in focus instead.

Websites which embrace minimalistic design early will enjoy much better search engine ranking and traffic than they would otherwise. Clean UI and navigation bring faster load times, lower bandwidth and CPU requirements, as well as higher user engagement percentages as a result of accessibility.

User Experience (UX) design has become a predominant part of web development and online content as a whole. Websites without curated UX will have a hard time reaching new audiences in 2020 and beyond due to a shift in users’ expectations.

Simple elements such as navigation bar placement, native advertisement presence and a lack of distracting popups can do wonders for your traffic and conversion rates. In order to personalize your web development’s UX according to your product or service portfolio, you will have to conduct demographic research beforehand.

Create customer profiles in order to pinpoint who your audience is before making drastic changes to your UX or UI. Once you are certain of the type of user who typically visits your website, personalizing its UX will be an afterthought.

At the end of the day, the merit of a website is measured by the content it can provide to its users. Artificial Intelligence (AI) algorithms will soon take over the curation process from editors in order to better match content with the end user.

While the production processes won’t change in terms of research, writing, and optimization, users will have a much easier time finding relevant content than ever before. AI content curation will effectively eliminate unwanted, uninteresting or unappealing content from an individual user’s browsing experience while they are present on your website.

For example, an SEO specialist won’t necessarily be interested in printed advertisement blog posts, effectively triggering the AI to place SEO-related content to the forefront. However, it’s also important for web developers to allow users to opt out of AI curation should they want a more hands-on approach to filtering their own content as is the case in today’s internet browsing.

Web interactivity is in high demand due to popularity of social media platforms and messaging apps. In that regard, users are prone to search for websites with native chatbot support which they can use for a variety of reasons.

It’s quite difficult to service customers who may or may not know your native language without hiring outside consultants and freelancers to serve as your representatives. Chances are that you also won’t be able to have on-staff customer support representatives available 24/7 for your global audience – this is what makes chatbots irreplaceable in today’s web climate. You can combine chatbots with writing platforms such as Trust My Paper and Evernote to write personalized content for them to use in everyday user engagement.

It’s easy to program chatbots to perform a variety of user-centric roles, including general help, purchase advice, website troubleshooting or for users to get in touch with your representative by booking a chat via the chatbot. Chatbots offer endless implementation possibilities in every aspect of your website or application – explore the ways in which you can use them to enhance your visitors’ experience in 2020 and beyond.

In terms of high search engine result page (SERP) ranking, web developers should aim for high accessibility. The more people can enjoy your content, the better your odds will be at ranking high in search engines such as Google, Yahoo, and Bing.

In that respect, voice-enabled navigation takes priority since it offers an accessible, leisurely and user-friendly option for people of different calibers. It has become common courtesy to make web content available to as many people as possible, whether through content localization or voice-enabled browsing technologies.

Some people might be unable to use traditional mouse-and-keyboard setups due to a number of medical reasons. Others might want to browse your website while walking down the street and lack time to stop and type, swipe and click. Voice navigation can provide your users with a plethora of quality-of-life improvements and should definitely find its way into your web development schedule before 2020 rolls around.

Web content creation is already driven by a competitive need to rank higher than others in one’s respective industry. However, these trends will take on a much stronger presence in the near future, with SEO-driven content ideation and creation being the norm.

Tools such as Google Keyword Planner and SEMRush can be used to detect which keywords and phrases are currently trending in different industries. Using these words as a baseline for content creation will allow writers and designers to come up with SEO-friendly content much faster than before.

This will result in search engine ranking competitions between different brands who want to attract as many users as possible to their websites. Adopting an SEO-first content strategy early on should give pioneers of this trend a head-start in the upcoming year – make sure to try the method out in an upcoming content production cycle to see if it fits your needs.

Augmented Reality (AR) technologies have seen a spike in app development integration in the past several years. Pokémon GO is only the most predominant example of AR which took the world by storm and showcased the potential of this technology when it is implemented correctly.

However, AR is slowly finding its way into web development and it will allow designers and developers more flexibility and creativity as a result. You can link your business’ or client’s smartphone apps or messaging platforms to the main website in interesting ways though AR.

It’s also possible to place real-world and exploratory elements into your web development project via external platforms such as Google Maps. While not industry standard norm, AR will allow websites to stick out from the competition with seamless, barrier-breaking features which will bridge the gaps between virtual and reality in 2020.

Speaking of norms, desktop-only web development practices will slowly die away in this and upcoming years. More and more users expect mobile support, responsive web design and a curated on-the-go experience from the sites they visit frequently.

Make sure to think of web development as responsive-first when it comes to UI design, content types to implement and which plugins or widgets to use. Mobile-based content requires more direct and informative thinking with no place for long-form articles or pieces which require exuberant scrolling.

Consider combining a minimalistic approach to web design with responsive visual elements which will adjust to the user’s screen and peripheral. Doing so will allow you to attract much more traffic and revenue to your web-based business regardless of whether you curate an eCommerce store or provide SEO services for B2B clients.

The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) has been in effect for the past year and has made quite an impact on web developers across the globe. As the European internet policy is now a standard for all web-based services which operate on the continent in any capacity, it has become more than a welcome addition.

This means that you should enable GDPR regulations on your upcoming web development projects, whether they are service-based, centered on eCommerce or web application production. Websites and services with GDPR present are already accepted much better than those without these guidelines enabled – and for good reasons.

The omission of GDPR means that a business is either unwilling to comply with the regulations or doesn’t follow web development trends – both of which are red flags in the eyes of internet users. With internet data privacy in such short supply these days, allowing users to control the way you handle their personal information is a must in 2020 and further on.

Lastly, cybersecurity is an increasingly serious concern for internet users across the globe. The recent Cambridge Analytica scandal is only one instance of a harmful data security breach which happened as a result of human judgment.

In order to attract a sizable audience to your web site or app, you should do your best to provide data security and account info protection. Cyber attacks such as account hijacks, database breaches, malware intrusions, and other harmful scenarios can lead to a steep drop in reputation and traffic for your website.

It’s good practice to highlight the types of security you actively provide to visitors and clients on your website’s landing page for increased transparency. Sites which provide guarantees of safety for their users will grow exponentially in 2020, so make sure to keep an eye out on cybersecurity features you can add to your projects.

In Summary

The fact of the matter is that no one really knows which trends and predictions will come to full fruition in 2020. However, the facts we’ve listed above still stand and could potentially have transformative effects on the web development industry. Keep these predictions in mind the next time you optimize your site for SEO or delve into web development. Don’t be afraid to pioneer new trends and you will assuredly attract new users to your products and services.

This article was contributed by Estelle Liotard; read more about her at

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